



The Greatest Day: Sword, Juno, and Gold


価格 36,000円(税別)

プレイ人数 2~8人
プレイ時間 1時間~150時間
推奨対象年齢 普通(12歳以上)
内容物 フルマップ4枚/ハーフマップ4枚/駒2816個/GTSシリーズルールブック1冊/ ゲーム専用ルールブック1冊/シナリオブック1冊/チャート20枚/ダイス4個





“The Black Baron” covering the first hour of the German attack on the 7th Armoured Division at Villers-Bocage

“Storming Gold”: the first few hours of the assault on Gold Beach
“Storming Juno”: the first few hours of the assault on Juno Beach
“Storming Sword”: the first few hours of the assault on Sword Beach
“To the Sea”: the 21st Pz Division’s late afternoon attack on June 6
“Day of the Tiger”: the German counter-attack at Villers-Bocage on June 13
“On to Bayeux”: the Pz Lehr’s major attack on the 50th infantry Division on June 9

“Day of Days”: the first day of the 6th Airborne’s drop into Normandy
“The Race for Caen”: the first day from Sword Beach to Caen
“The Saga of the 6th Airborne”: the first several days of the 6th Airborne’s drop into Normandy
“O Canada”: the first few two days of the Canadian assault at Juno Beach and beyond
“The Bloody Battle of Tilly”: the struggle for the Tilly line from June 11 to June 12
“Nemesis”: Canadians and the 12th SS Division in a bitter fight from June 6 to June 9

“The Right Hook”: from the landing at Gold Beach to the battle of Villers-Bocage – the action on the right flank of the Allies
“The Initial Plan”: from the landing of the 6th Airborne in the Orne Bridgehead to the outskirts of Caen on June 9th
“Operation Perch”: the attempt to flank the German position at Caen

“One Great Day”: the campaign game but only on the first day – but it was quite a day
“The Greatest Day: Sword, Juno, and Gold Beaches”: from the parachute landings on the morning of June 6th to the evening of June 13th – the entire game